The plow method is especially suitable for installing pipes in rural areas where great instaIlation lengths are required. Shorter sections and pipelines through rough-to-run terrains can also be plowed in easily. Installing pipes through steep slopes or undercrossing small inshore waters (with a top water level of 1.20 m) present no technical problems for the plow due to its construction with universally adjustable plow arms. The gentle application of the Frank Föckersperger Plow Method is very economical, even for instaIlations beneath groundwater level.
Our method works perfectly in displaceable soils. Even coarse grained soils with large stone and rock fractions can easily be plowed with the Frank Föckersperger Pipe and Cable Plows.
Further areas of application: wind parks, photovoltaic plants, biogas Systems, collector pipes, watering pipes.
Föckersperger Maschinen GmbH
Mobile: +49 (0) 171 / 78 44 – 955
Phone: +49 (0) 91 32 / 78 44 – 50
Mail: info@foeckersperger.com